Business women and Ram Charan"s wife and soon-to-be mother, Upasana Kamineni, shared a video from her baby shower celebration on Instagram. Instead of having a traditional ceremony, the couple opted for a modern, relaxed gathering. Only the couple's close family and friends attended the celebration, which was held in a coastal resort.The expecting parents attended a spectacular white baby shower over the weekend in Dubai. For the exclusive party, close friends and family members travelled in from all around the world to join the newlyweds.The 33-year-old's sisters, Anushpala Kamineni and Sindoori Reddy, hosted the grand celebration for the couple. The party featured teddy bears on cakes, cookies and centre table. Here are a few pics of the event. Check out!!
Upasana kamineni baby shower
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
April 07, 2023
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