The Manish Malhotra Diwali party of 2024 was a star-studded affair with celebrities from the entertainment industry and high society in attendance. The fashion designer's luxurious home was adorned with glittering lights and elaborate decorations, giving the perfect backdrop for the festivities. The guest list included Alia Bhatt, jahnavi kapoor, ananya pandey, krithi sanon, Kiara advani and many others, all dressed in their glamorous best.
It was a sight to behold as the celebrities walked the red carpet, posing for paparazzi and exchanging warm greetings. The party was filled with laughter, music, and delicious food, as everyone enjoyed the celebrations of Diwali in the company of their dear friends and colleagues. It was a night to remember as the celebrities danced the night away, creating unforgettable memories at the Manish Malhotra Diwali party of 2024.
Celebrities at Manish Malhotra diwali party
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
October 23, 2024
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