Kajol, along with her family and friends, was filled with excitement as they gathered at the Mukharjee Pooja pandal to celebrate Dussehra and Durga maa Pooja. The pandal was beautifully decorated with vibrant colors and intricate designs, adding to the festive atmosphere. Kajol's parents and siblings joined in the festivities, dressed in traditional attire, while her friends added to the joy with their cheerful presence.
Together, they participated in the rituals and offered their prayers to Goddess Durga, seeking her blessings for prosperity and happiness. The aroma of incense sticks and the sound of devotional songs filled the air as they performed the aarti and offered prasad to the deity. After the puja, they indulged in delicious traditional sweets and savories, sharing laughter and bonding over stories and memories.
The evening ended with a dazzling display of fireworks, lighting up the sky and spreading joy among everyone present. It was a memorable celebration of togetherness, love, and devotion for Kajol and her loved ones at the Mukharjee Pooja pandal on this auspicious occasion of Dussehra.
Kajol Devgan Durga Pooja celebration
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
October 12, 2024
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