Raashi Khanna, the Indian actress known for her impeccable style and fashion sense, recently stunned her fans with her Dussehra special look. She donned a gorgeous lehenga in vibrant hues of red and gold, which perfectly captured the festive spirit.
The intricate embroidery and embellishments on the lehenga added a touch of elegance to her ensemble. Raashi completed her look with a bridal-style hair juda, adorned with fresh flowers and delicate hair accessories.
Her makeup was kept minimal, with a bold red lip adding a pop of color to her look. However, the highlight of her outfit was the stunning gold jewelry she wore. From statement chandbalis to a dainty maang tikka, every piece of jewelry complemented her attire and added a regal touch to her overall look. Raashi Khanna truly looked like a goddess this Dussehra, setting fashion goals for all the brides-to-be.
Raashi khanna Dussehra special wishes
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
October 12, 2024
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