Telugu anchor Rashmi Goutham looked stunning in a white and red lehenga, paired with an intricate imitation gold choker and jhumka earrings. The lehenga featured traditional zari work and a flared silhouette, adding to the overall elegance of the outfit.
The bold red hues beautifully contrasted with the white base, creating a striking visual appeal. The choker and jhumkas added a touch of glamour and completed the traditional look perfectly. Rashmi exuded grace and poise as she carried off the ensemble effortlessly. Her choice of traditional jewelry added a touch of authenticity to the overall look, making her stand out as a true style icon.
The combination of white, red, and gold came together to create a timeless and classic look for Rashmi, making her a sight to behold. Overall, Rashmi Goutham's look in the white and red lehenga with imitation gold choker and jhumka earrings was a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, showcasing her impeccable fashion sense.
Rashmi Goutham in white and red lehenga
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
October 13, 2024
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