Actress Sneha and her husband Prasanna recently attended a traditional event, and their attire was the talk of the town. Sneha looked stunning in a gold and red silk pattu saree, which complimented her complexion perfectly. She paired it with a beautiful temple gold jewelry set, which was the center of attraction. Prasanna, on the other hand, opted for a unique look, donning a doti and kurta made of pattu fabric. His outfit perfectly complemented Sneha's and added a touch of traditional elegance to their overall appearance.
The couple truly stood out in their traditional attires, showcasing their love for their cultural roots. Their choice of attire was not only a fashion statement but also a reflection of their strong bond and unity as a couple. It was a sight to behold, and fans couldn't stop gushing over their stunning looks. Sneha and Prasanna truly proved that traditional attire never goes out of style and can make a powerful fashion statement.
Actress sneha and prasanna in a traditional look
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
December 09, 2024
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