To honor the legendary Raj Kapoor on his 100th birthday, actress Genilia donned a stunning black saree adorned with intricate white chickenkari work. The saree gracefully draped around her figure, showcasing the timeless elegance of the traditional Indian attire. The full sleeves blouse added a touch of sophistication and perfectly complemented the delicate work on the saree. Genilia completed her look with a silver pendant choker and matching earrings, adding a touch of glamour to the ensemble.
Her choice of outfit for the occasion was not only a tribute to the legendary actor but also a celebration of Indian culture and fashion. The black and white combination was a classic and timeless choice, making Genilia look like a true diva. Her outfit was a perfect blend of traditional and modern elements, reflecting the essence of Raj Kapoor's legacy in Indian cinema. Overall, Genilia's black saree was a beautiful and fitting tribute to Raj Kapoor's 100th birthday.
Genelia in a black saree for raj kapoor 100th birthday
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
December 14, 2024
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