Srivalli, popularly known by her stage name Rashmika Mandanna, is a well-known South Indian actress who never fails to make heads turn with her impeccable fashion sense. Recently, she was spotted in a stunning red saree adorned with intricate gold work. The traditional gold choker in a temple design added an elegant touch to her look, making her stand out in the crowd. Her choice of gold earrings with ear chains and statement rings further accentuated her overall look, adding a touch of glamour.
To complete the traditional look, she paired her attire with beautiful metal bangles that added a touch of tradition and grace. With her effortless style and grace, Rashmika once again proved that she is a fashion icon to be reckoned with. Her choice of outfit and accessories truly reflected the rich and vibrant culture of South India, making her a perfect representation of tradition and modernity combined.
Srivalli aka rashmika mandanna in saree
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
December 12, 2024
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