Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently had a special meeting with the renowned Kapoor family, including actors Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Karishma Kapoor, and Neetu Singh. The purpose of the meeting was to invite PM Modi to be a part of the 100 years celebration of the legendary actor and filmmaker Raj Kapoor. The Kapoors are one of the most influential and respected families in the Indian film industry, and their contribution to Indian cinema is unparalleled.
The meeting was filled with warmth and excitement as the family shared their plans for the grand event. PM Modi was pleased to accept the invitation and praised the Kapoor family for their immense contribution to Indian culture and entertainment. The event is expected to be a star-studded affair, with many Bollywood celebrities coming together to celebrate the life and legacy of Raj Kapoor. This meeting between PM Modi and the Kapoor family highlights the important role that Bollywood plays in promoting Indian culture globally and showcases the strong bond between the government and the entertainment industry.
Tha kapoors meet PM Modi to invite him for 100 years of raj kapoor celebrations
Reviewed by Jewellery Designs
December 11, 2024
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